BBC News report the effectiveness of drones in fighting crime: “Three suspected burglars who tried to hide from police on the roof of a bank were foiled by a thermal imaging drone.”
Nottinghamshire police were alerted by an intruder alarm in the Santander bank in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, but the officers couldn’t find any suspects. They employed the force’s drone, and using thermal imaging they discovered three people on the roof of the bank.
Two men and one woman were arrested. Nottingham police report: “Paul Bates, 40, Leah Smithurst, 31, and Aaron Thompson, 25, all of Clumber Street, Warsop, were charged with burglary yesterday and remanded in custody ahead of their court appearance today (Auguast 16).”
This news is a big thumbs up for the use of drones in fighting crime and many other areas affecting safety.